Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park Camp-Resort of Sioux Falls, SD is honoring the true Super Heroes – police, firefighters, emergency personnel and armed forces – of our communities the weekend of September 16-18, 2011.
A number of special events and programs are scheduled for Saturday, September 17, 2011. A portion of the proceeds from the weekend will be donated to Operation Cares—an organization that provides support to families of service men and women who have been called away to support and defend our country.

“We’re excited to once again recognize and honor our everyday ‘superheroes’ who risk their lives helping our community,” said Donna Aljets, owner of Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park Camp-Resort. “In addition, due to the outpouring support we had last year, we look forward to hosting a number of events that will also benefit Operation Cares.”
Activities scheduled for the day include: a rocket launcher, humvee and obstacle course provided by the South Dakota Army National Guard; presentations on “Stranger Danger” by the Minnehaha County Sheriff’s office; the Brandon Fire Department’s fire truck; the Sanford Helicopter; wagon rides; visits from Yogi Bear and Boo Boo; an evening community bon fire; and other activities throughout the day.
All campsites and cabins are discounted 25% to any retired or active “superhero” with a valid ID. For those “superheroes” who are not campers, the daily admission fee at Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park is also discounted 25%.
The festivities begin on Saturday at 10:30 a.m. and will conclude around 10:00 p.m. The event is open to the general public. For more information, call 605-332-2233 or visit http://www.jellystonesiouxfalls.com/ for more information.