Yogi Bear™ and his crew have been busy just outside our campground in Sioux Falls , South Dakota cutting the likeness of one of America’s favorite bears into the corn. The Corn Maze at Jellystone Park™ is set to open to the public on August 6.
Located at the Jellystone Park campground just three miles east of Sioux Falls, the maze features over 7 acres of turns, twists, and dead ends carved into stalks that reach over your head and offers an experience for those hungry for fun. Admission to the maze includes the maze which offers two levels of difficulty, use of the jumping pillow, two playgrounds, wagon rides, and visits by our “smarter-than-the-average bear” – Yogi Bear.
Hours of operation for the corn maze are Friday 5 pm to 9 pm, Saturday 12 pm to 9 pm, and Sunday 1 pm to 5 pm. The maze will be open through Halloween and will feature several special events, including a Superheros day on September 11th, a Yogi Bear’s Corny Fun Carnival and “Fright Nights” at the end of October.